

ISCA Global believes that good business management is based on six pillars of corporate governance. See what they are:

ISCA′s pillars of good governance

• Corporate responsibility
• Ethics
• Transparency
• Fairness
• Accountability
• Balance of strategic decisions

At the same time, the balance between the company′s day-to-day management and the decision making aimed at fulfilling a strategic plan concern a structure defined by good practices, as follows:
Management and decision-making structure

• Board of Directors
• Shareholders′ Assembly
• Executive Board
• Independent Financial Audit

To achieve our objectives, some management tools are very important. See what they are:

Main management tools:

• IBP - Integrated Business Plan
• ERP - Enterprise Resource Planning
• CRM - Customer Relationship Management
• BI - Business Intelligence
• System and Quality Control
• Strategic Plan, Tactical Plans, Business Plan

All these points are guided by a previous definition, made from the determination of the company′s core values.


Our Vision
Nature as Our Inspiration for Advancing Sustainable Agriculture

Our Mission
Lead Next Generation Pest Control by Harnessing the Power of Biocommunication for Crop Protection.

Our Core Values
Adaptability We adapt to different situations and are prepared to meet demands in a world where the only constant is change.
Engagement We are not indifferent to what is happening or what is to come; we get involved and give our best.
Team We enjoy working as a team and understand that the best solutions will come from interactions among individuals representing diverse viewpoints.        
Integrity We commit to our principles and purpose. We seek clarity and transparency in management and we aim to create a climate of trust in the workplace and among all of the people and entities with whom we interact.
Excellence We seek superior quality in everything we do.

Our Principles are:

• Social, environmental and corporate responsibility.
• Transformative action for the world we want.
• Integrity of principles in our actions.
• Collaborative action.
• Continuous improvement.
• Sense of urgency and definition of priorities.
• Innovation inspired by nature.

Social, environmental, and corporate responsibilit

Companies play a fundamental role in the fate of our civilization on the planet. They hold most of the available resources on the planet, and their decisions on how to use them are key to the well-being of people and the preservation of nature.

Transformative action for the world we want

Companies need to act in a conscious way, looking at the system that surrounds them in a holistic and integrated manner, taking a long-term view, making responsible decisions so that in the future the next generations can enjoy the desired legacy.

Integrity of principles in the performance

No matter where we operate and with whom we relate, our principles are the measure of success in our actions.

Collaborative performance

A company works better and gives better results when everyone feels part of it, when its purpose makes sense in everyone′s lives. Also when the resulting work is an expression of individual and collective life. A collaborative performance always brings the best results.

Continuous improvement

A company cannot be complacent, it must always be in evolution, seeking to improve what it already has, reflecting the world around it.

Sense of urgency and definition of priorities

It has never been so important to have a sense of urgency and defined priorities. The accelerated growth and development put at risk the permanence of civilization on the planet, and every year that we don′t change our attitude, the risk of collapse increases. The role of the companies is fundamental in the course correction due to their capacity to change the current situation, with fast and effective decision making.

ISCA Brazil is committed, through the establishment of its Quality Policy, to maintaining an attitude that anticipates problems, needs or changes, that is conscious, mastering the knowing and the doing. Ensuring continuous improvement as a possible and necessary principle, met by the establishment of objectives, action planning and a constant evaluation of results, goals and processes.